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M25 Counsel

Oxford’s M25 Counsel oversees three key areas of your portfolio: administrative, strategy and financial coordination.

For individuals with diverse holdings and multiple investment advisor relationships, Oxford’s M25 Counsel looks beyond any assets which Oxford Financial Group, Ltd. directly supervises and creates a unified view of your entire, multigenerational portfolio. This can encompass assets held in banks, brokerage accounts, trusts, life insurance and annuities, private placements, limited partnerships and other investments.

Oxford’s M25 Counsel oversees three key areas of your portfolio:


  • Accountability and oversight of family finances
  • Analysis of provider fees/costs (annually/semiannually)
  • Quarterly monitoring report
  • Consolidated reporting
  • Monthly statement analysis, troubleshooting and data entry
  • Generational reporting of all data
  • Data feed vs. calculations by hand or spreadsheets
  • Wholesale vs. retail


  • Desire to source world-class investments
  • Tactical and strategic asset allocation (by generations)
  • Access to who we believe to be elite managers
  • Lower minimums
  • Institutional pricing for managers, custody and services of choice
  • Custody of choice

Financial Coordination

  • Integration of collaborative estate planning with institutional investment opportunities and administrative efficiencies
  • Transparency of asset allocation for all portfolios
  • Asset substitutions as appropriate
  • Estate planning Internal Rate of Returns (IRRs) vs. investment IRRs
  • Combination of estate and investment IRRs

M25 Counsel can be in lieu of, or in addition to, Oxford’s regular investment advisory service for assets under Oxford’s advisement. Services are tailored based on your needs, and may include:

  • Clarifying advisor mandates
  • Information gathering and consolidated performance reporting
  • Consolidated asset allocation reporting that compares actual commitments to strategic policy targets
  • Strategic asset allocation advice and tactical recommendations
  • Manager and product due diligence and selection advice
  • Master custody search and selection, accompanied by negotiation of fees
  • Full integration of investment assets into multigenerational estate plan
  • Interview and assist in the selection of additional investment advisors
  • Coordinate tax-motivated advice across all investment advisor portfolios
  • Negotiation and control of investment-related fees and expenses
  • Multidimensional risk assessment

Bespoke Generational Solutions®

Oxford’s Bespoke Generational Solutions is the culmination of over three decades of experience working with hundreds of significant families and estate planning and family office professionals.

Family Office Fellows

Your Managing Directors are supported by a team of highly-credentialed Family Office Fellows who are dedicated full time to family office services.

M25 Counsel

Oxford’s M25 Counsel oversees three key areas of your portfolio: administrative, strategy and financial coordination.

Swindon Transition Counsel®

The Swindon Transition Counsel is a service that helps business owners who are seeking to transition ownership, control and/or management of their business.


Creating a sustainable family financial legacy using a proven framework.

Professional Fees

We believe that you value independent, unbiased product-neutral advice and that is what Oxford provides.